up the irons!

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totul a-nceput de la Jupanu’ si taica-sau, care fusese in Italia la nu stiu ce conferinta sau simpozion si venise de-acolo cu albumul pe vinil, cu coperta interioara cu versurile si-o gramada de poze colorate cu mascota, Ed.

asa s-a intamplat ca m-am indragostit ingrozitor de tare de ei, imi placeau grozav povestea cu cinelurile Paiste [pie-stee] -  facute zice-se din doua folii de bronz cu o pelicula de mercur intre ele, care se sparge la fiecare lovitura (intre noi fie vorba, nici acum nu stiu daca e mit urban sau e pe bune), felul neobisnuit in care Steve Harris canta la bass, schimbarile de ritm, felul agresiv in care Nicko McBrain batea la tobe, faptul ca in Rime of the Ancient Mariner se inspirasera dintr-un poet romantic, armoniile – despre care atunci inca n-aveam habar ca se cheama “twin guitar clash” sau “double lead guitar harmony”, si ca tehnica fusese implementata ceva mai devreme de Thin Lizzy, vocea,  energia teribila a unui pilot comercial

nu poate fi deci decat pura coincidenta faptul ca unul dintre oamenii cei mai dragi mie e fan ‘Maiden, e in stare s-o faca pe maimuta fara sa se teama de ridicol, seamana cu Dickinson cand rade si mai nou, cocheteaza cu pilotatul avioanelor :-)

the good, the bad, the weird

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and a very accurate comment: “barely deeper than a footprint, but so much fun you’ll forget you care”

that is, should you consider funny:

– a Korean film with the appearance of a western directed by John Woo and Quentin Tarantino, restless and full of blood, anachronisms and spectacular shots,

– a character who has in possession a treasure map everyone is looking for and dreams to buy some cows and a dog once the map is sold,

– a set similar to a ranch, with the gate adorned with wind-bells instead of massive horns…

well, the choreography and camera work in the Ghost Market chase scene certainly caught my eye, the three title characters converge on the den of thieves and engage in a gunfight both on the ground and in the air.  one of them navigates the bamboo maze below, another fights from the rooftops and swings through the air on a complicated series of ropes and pulleys, which is highly improbable but incredibly entertaining.  the entire scene is kinetic, fluid and immediate, you are in the fight and in the sky…